Thanks to your support and incredible generosity, William Ford collected $1,854.00 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! This more than doubled our collection last year of $700.00! An extra special thanks to our students and our teachers, and to parents and family...
Class News
Thank You Dr. Maleyko!
Thank you Dr. Maleyko for taking time from your BUSY day to read to students at William Ford!
March Students of the Month!
Happy Spring Break!
All Dearborn Public Schools will be closed starting Friday, March 30 and will remain closed through Friday, April 6th, 2018. All students will return to school on Monday, April 9th, 2018. Enjoy your family, read & relax!
Fordson Athletes Visit William Ford!
Thank you to the Fordson Football team for visiting William Ford today to read aloud to our students! You all were a HUGE hit!
Literacy Fun at William Ford
Thank you to the volunteers from the University of Michigan, Dearborn and the University of Detroit Mercy chapters of Books for a Benefit for a great day and event on Friday! Our kindergarten through third graders were able to choose a book, listen to a story by the...
Week of March 19th at William Ford
This week's highlights: Tuesday, March 20th Parent Meeting @ 9:00 and Bingo for Books from 4:30-6:00 Thursday, March 22nd 1/2 Day for Preschool Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:30-6:30 Friday, March 23rd Hat and Sports Team Day!
Late Start on Wednesday!
Wednesday, March 14th is a Late Start. School begins at 9:30.
Monday is Literacy Night!
Join us Monday for Literacy Night from 4:00-5:30!
Falcon Friends are in the House!
Falcon Friends were in the House again this week! All five houses gathered in the gym and cafeteria to kick-off March is Reading Month, a group reading of Pete the Cat, and a presentation by our Student Council on our new Acts of Kindness board in the cafeteria....