William Ford Elementary

Read-at-Home Plan

William Ford Elementary Read-at-Home Plan

Being a good reader is critical if a student is going to be successful in school. In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed the Third Grade Retention Law to ensure that students exit third grade reading at or above grade level, which will affect 2016/2017 Kindergarten students by the time they are in Third Grade. In accordance with this law, and as a means of better informing classroom instruction, districts will be providing assessments to identify students who need intensive reading instruction and intervention. This will also provide useful information to help teachers tailor instruction to meet individual student needs.

The law also requires districts to provide communication with parents about each student’s reading. Communication may include information about current services being provided, additional reading supports planned for your child, or strategies for you to help your child at home (a Read-At-Home Plan). William Ford has established a Read-at-Home Plan for each child so that families can work collaboratively to support literacy in the home. We appreciate and value your support.

Grade Level & Link Description of the Read-at-Home Plan
Preschool  Read and play with your child for 20 minutes each day. You may:

  • Read together,  take turns reading, and having your child read to you.
  • Play the alphabet games and read the books in their reading bag.
  • Complete the daily activity on the homework calendar (provided in class).

Always be sure to ask your child questions about the book before, during, and after reading to better judge if they are understanding what they are reading. Have your child color the date on the monthly calendar when you’re done. Have fun!!

Young Fives

Link to Plan

Read with your child for 10-15 minutes each night. You may choose to:

  • Read to your child while he/she listens.
  • Read with your child (alternating who reads). Listen to him/her.
  • Have your child read to you.

Always be sure to ask your child questions about the book before, during, and after reading to better judge if they are understanding what they are reading. Complete and return your child’s Reading Log each Monday.


Link to Plan

Read with your child for 10-15 minutes each night. You may choose to:

  • Read to your child while he/she listens.
  • Read with your child (alternating who reads). Listen to him/her.
  • Have your child read to you.

Always be sure to ask your child questions about the book before, during, and after reading to better judge if they are understanding what they are reading. Complete and return your child’s Reading Log each Monday.

First Grade

Link to Plan

Students should engage in each of the following activities each night:

  • Read good-fit (book bag) books for 20 minutes. Some of the books will be at your child’s independent reading level and can be read on their own. Others will be at your child’s instructional level and you will need to help your child work on their reading skills.
  • Regularly practice sight word flash cards.
  • Listen to reading for 10 minutes. Discuss the story. Parents or siblings should read to the child each night. Take time to discuss the content of the book. Ask questions to check your child’s understanding of the story or text.
  • Use MobyMax for 20 minutes. MobyMax is a personalized learning plan for your child. The district provides each child with an account. This is something your child can do on a computer, tablet, or even a phone.

Second Grade

Link to Plan

1. Students are supposed to read each day for 20-30 minutes. Then they should color one box on their monthly calendar.
2. Students are expected to write a daily entry in their Reading Response Journals
3. Students are to bring their Reading Response Journals to school, along with the Monthly Calendar, to be seen by teachers.
4. Calendars are to be seen and signed by parents. You may visit the Book-It Program website to print out tracking calendars.

Third Grade

Link to Plan

All children are expected to do their reading homework every night and read for an extra 20-30 minutes. With the Book-It program, children will be rewarded for doing this extra reading.

  • Read a chapter or story book. Write a summary (first, next, then, after that, finally).
  • Read an informational book. Write a summary (3 facts with details for each fact …like a constructed response).

Each child who completes 2 of the requirements per month will receive a certificate that can be used for a free personal pizza at Pizza Hut.

Fourth Grade

Link to Plan

  • Reading books will go home daily. Students must read for at least 30 minutes at home.
  • Students will complete a daily reading log, to be signed by parents (reading log is attached).
  • Students should regularly access online reading websites through the District homepage, including: Clever Storyline Online, edmentum, RAZ-Kids, and Readworks.
Fifth Grade 5th Graders are expected to be reading for at least 30 minutes a day at home. Please make sure your child is using Whooo’s Reading to respond to their daily reading!