William Ford Elementary

Covid Notification

Dear Staff and Parents,

There are cases of COVID-19 at William Ford Elementary School which by definition are defined as an outbreak. Although that is a strong word, that simply means that three or more students or staff have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and appear to have a common link, and in our case it was three in one class. Each case of COVID-19 is interviewed by our administrators under the guidance of our district nurse and Wayne County Health Department.  As part of this public health investigation:

  • The students diagnosed are being kept home from school until they are no longer infectious.
  • The students’ mask use, social distancing, and activities while infectious were assessed.
  • The people who were close contacts of the persons with COVID-19 are instructed to stay home from school for 10 days after the exposure. This is called quarantine.  Potential symptom development continues to be monitored for a full 14-day period.

We wanted to share this information with you, first, as these cases are reported to the State and will be identified as an outbreak.

We continue to monitor the situation carefully and are in communication with our local health department.  School will continue as scheduled.  Please continue to monitor daily for symptoms, and stay home if you feel sick. 

If you have further questions, please contact the school at 313-827-6400.


David Higgins, Principal, William Ford Elementary