William Ford Elementary

Class News

No School on Tuesday, November 8th

Just a reminder that there is no school on Tuesday, November 8th. It is Election Day! Teachers will be present at school and participating in a full day of Professional Development. Students return to school on Wednesday, November 9th.

PTA Meeting Friday

PTA Meeting on Friday at 9:15. Parents are welcome to wait in the lobby after arrival until the meeting begins at 9:15. Coffee and breakfast treats will be provided.

Fordson Homecoming Parade is Friday!

Parents and Students!Don't forget to join us at Fordson High School on Friday for the Annual Fordson Homecoming Parade!  We will meet on the East Side of the building between 4:00-4:30.  Other schools in the Fordson Feeder will be in attendance as well.  The parade...

Gleaners Visits William Ford Friday!

The Gleaners Food Mobile Pantry will be at William Ford on Friday, September 9th from 11:30-12:30!  This will be the eleventh and final visit to William Ford. Starting next month Gleaners will be at Henry Ford Elementary. We will continue to post the visits at Henry...