William Ford Elementary

Class News

Week of Nov. 11th at William Ford

Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday and Thursday. Conferences are by appointment only. Contact your child's teacher for an appointment. Picture Retakes on Tuesday. Parent and PTA Meeting on Thursday. Gather in the Cafeteria after arrival for coffee and light...

This Week at William Ford

No School on Tuesday. Election Day. Exercise your right to vote. Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, 3:35-6:35. Conferences are by appointment only. Contact your child's teacher for an appointment. Conferences are also held on Nov. 12th and 14th. Parent University...

Dearborn Schools Parent Survey

Dearborn Schools Parent Survey

Just a reminder... Dearborn Schools and William Ford Elementary is using this Parent Survey as a means to elicit your beliefs and opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective. The online survey will be available...

This week at William Ford

Thursday is our Annual Halloween Walk at William Ford from 2:00-3:00. Students are allowed to wear a costume if they choose. However, please no weapons or toy weapons - weapons of any sort are never allowed on a school campus. Also, for your child's safety, do not...

Late Start on Wednesday

Wednesday, October 16th is a Late Start Wednesday. School begins at 9:30. Breakfast will be served from 9:00-9:25.

William Ford’s Annual Fall Festival is Thursday!

William Ford's Annual Fall Festival sponsored by the PTA is this Thursday, October 17th from 5:00-6:30. Come join us for a night of Food, Friends, Games and FUN! Free Admission. Nachos and other Snacks available for purchase. See you Thursday!

Cipriano Run and the Fordson Homecoming Parade

Cipriano Run and the Fordson Homecoming Parade

Although Friday was a half-day, it was a busy day! Nearly a dozen 4th and 5th graders competed in the Annual Cipriano Race at Ford Field. Congratulations to all of our runners, and especially Mourad in 4th grade who finished 2nd in the city and Dalih in 5th grade who...