William Ford Elementary

Sora book update and public library

We are sharing an update for students and parents regarding the Sora app, which is again available to district students.

Through Sora, students are able to see books available through the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services provided by the Dearborn Public Library.  Students are only able to check out these digital books and audiobooks if their parents have provided them with a Dearborn Public Library card.  The Dearborn Public Library is not part of Dearborn Public Schools.

Any Dearborn Public School student can log into Sora using their student information and access thousands of digital books in the Wayne County Consortium of schools collection, even without a public library card.  These books have been vetted by our media specialists to ensure all of the title’s meet the district’s standards for age appropriateness. Students can log in through Clever and also may download the Sora app to any digital devices they use.

Parents who do not wish their student to have access to Sora’s electronic books or audiobooks can complete the media materials opt-out form. The form can also be used to keep students from checking out physical materials in the district’s 30 school media centers.