William Ford Elementary

Learning Labs at William Ford!

Learning Labs started at William Ford on Monday, October 5th! The Learning Lab is an opportunity for teachers to invite students to the classroom for a “live” lesson! Groups will be limited to 3 students at this time. Teachers also conduct virtual Learning Labs on days they are not in the building.

Ms. Albachachy and students ready for Learning Lab!

Parents must fill out the Covid-19 Screening Commitment form for their child to stay at school for the learning lab. By signing this form, parents are committing to screen their child for Covid symptoms for the 2020-21 school year (anytime they will be in school). This form only needs to be filled out once, and will be kept on file in the school office. If your child is showing any signs of sickness, they will not be allowed to enter the school.

If your child is attending a Learning Lab it is very important that they arrive on-time and they are picked up at the arranged time. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until the scheduled time. For the health and safety of all, we cannot have students or parents lingering around the building or entrances in groups. Finally, parents are not allowed in the building unless they have business to conduct in the office.